The right of patent application shall not be pledged due to its characteristics, and is not defined as an object of the pledge right of property in Property Law. 专利申请权因其权利性质不适于出质,《物权法》也未明定专利申请权可以成为权利质权的标的。
The Object of Pledge Right of Intellectual Property 论知识产权质权的客体范围
In the realm of international trade, it is a document of right of possession and a prima facie evidence of ownership of the cargo, and the object of pledge in the realm of balance of Letter of Credit. 在国际贸易领域内,提单是占有权凭证和货物所有权的初步证据;在信用证结算领域,提单是权利质押的客体。
Making clear the concept, the author thinks the bill hypothecation is a pledge of right, the character that the bill as the object of the right pledge should has, and the practical significance of the bill hypothecation. 阐明票据质押的概念,确定了票据质押是一种权利质押形式,以及票据作为权利质权的标的所应具有的属性和票据设质的现实意义。
It should clearly define the object connotation of the pledge of accounts receivable and extension by the form of legislation to prevent disputes. 即在订立书面合同的基础上,以立法形式明确界定应收账款质押客体内涵和外延等合同内容,阻却因法律规定不明而产生的纠纷。
Movable object in the other rights and rights of pledge pledge, made in good faith should be applied. 其他权利客体中的动产质权和权利质权,应适用善意取得。
The object of patent pledge is the patent right and it is a kind of right which is established and transferred with the method of registration. 专利质权的标的为专利权,是一种以登记的方式进行设立和转让的权利。
Theoretically there is still doubt about whether we should take joint-profit right as object of pledge. 理论上对于是否将共益权作为质押的客体,存有疑问。